IT Certification and Training Blog

Preparing for the CCSP Exam with ExSim-Max Practice Exam

Dec 9, 2021 9:30:00 AM / by Val Bakh


Cloud computing has revolutionized the modern Information Technology (IT) universe. In addition to all the good things that it brought us, cloud computing has also opened a brand new Pandora’s box of cybersecurity threats. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) is a white-hat IT specialist whose job is to keep those threats at bay. One of the tasks on your way to becoming a CCSP is passing the certification exam sponsored by the organization named International Information System Security Certification Consortium, commonly known as (ISC)2.


The CCSP exam is extremely tough. To pass it, you need to answer 125 questions in three hours and score at least 700 points out of 1,000. There is no lack of test-prep resources for this exam, including literally thousands of so-called self-assessment or practice questions. However, a vast majority of those questions are only good for cramming the relevant terminology. The funny thing about it, though, is that you can find as many different versions of the terminology as there are different technical sources. Terminology is the foundation of any knowledge, but which is the “right” one for the CCSP exam? How can you choose among them?


Fortunately, the CCSP exam is not about a specific version of the cloud-security-related terminology. Instead, it is about the ability to correctly analyze relevant situations and identify appropriate solutions. Of course, terminology is important and you do need to learn it—at least, to some extent. However, what is much more important for this exam than simply acquiring and memorizing technical facts is your ability to apply that knowledge to various specific situations presented in the exam questions. To pass the exam, you need to think logically and pay close attention to even the tiniest details, such as the choice of words in each exam question.


Of course, the questions in Boson’s CCSP practice-exam product are different than the ones that you will see on the real exam. However, you will find that our questions are by no means less difficult than the ones you’ll encounter on the real exam. In our product, we’re trying to emulate the atmosphere of the real CCSP exam, its level of difficulty, and even—to some degree—the level of ambiguity that you’re likely to encounter in some live exam questions. Imagine that all of our practice questions were made just about perfect: clear, unambiguous, straightforward, with easy-to-identify correct answers. What would the usefulness of such a product be if you came to the real exam and suddenly discovered that its questions aren’t as sterilized as the ones in our product? If some of our questions make you feel that they are a bit too demanding, please keep in mind that the goal of our product is not to trick you by splitting hairs. Our goal is to help you to adequately prepare for the real CCSP exam. By occasionally splitting some hairs (aka “being difficult”), we are simply trying to encourage you to pay closer attention to details and to analyze everything thoroughly.


If you spend enough time and effort working with our CCSP practice-exam product (and the reference materials that it recommends), we are confident that you should be able to pass the real exam with flying colors.

Shop ExSim-Max for CCSP


Topics: Network Security, ExSim-Max, CCSP

Written by Val Bakh

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