IT Certification and Training Blog

Overcoming CCNA Roadblocks with Boson-Bombal 8 Weeks to CCNA

Oct 6, 2021 9:06:37 AM / by Andrea Warner


Working in the training industry for 15+ years, I’ve heard from many students about the roadblocks they face when trying to achieve Cisco’s CCNA certification.

  • There’s so much information. What do I need to focus on?
  •  It’s hard to dedicate the time needed for studies on a consistent basis.
  •  I want a live instructor so that I can ask questions, but I don’t have the budget or time for a traditional five-day CCNA class.
  •  I like the idea of dedicated time to prepare for my CCNA, but a five-day class or bootcamp would be too fast-paced for me.

We took all these concerns into account when we partnered with CCIE David Bombal to design a new CCNA training program: 8 Weeks to CCNA.

8 Weeks to CCNA includes over 32 hours of LIVE lecture from an instructor, and not just any instructor! CCIE Bryan Baize has been helping students achieve their Cisco certifications for over twenty years. Bryan will hold lectures twice weekly, with recordings available shortly after each live session. Homework will include fine-tuning your skills via CCNA labs on Boson’s NetSim Network Simulator paired with further reading and videos to reinforce the concepts covered during class.

Receive additional guidance from Bryan during his weekly office hours and collaborate with peers via a class Discord channel. Utilize David Bombal’s CCNA video course for pre-class studying or to reinforce specific topics along the way. Finally, assess your exam readiness with Boson’s ExSim-Max Practice Exam for CCNA.

The full, value-packed program is $799, one quarter of the cost of our traditional five-day course. 8 Weeks to CCNA is flexible enough to work with your schedule yet structured enough to keep your studies on schedule and affordable.

Get your CCNA studies on track now! 


Shop Now Boson-Bombal 8 Weeks to CCNA





Topics: CCNA Certification Tools, ccna class, CCNA, ccna study

Written by Andrea Warner

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