IT Certification and Training Blog

Spotlight Series: Kailin J

Mar 6, 2024 8:00:00 AM / by Boson Software

KnowABo_Kailin-3We like to provide blog posts that will help you get to know the people behind Boson a little better. From our software developers to our customer support representatives, there are plenty of talented team members worth meeting.

Based out of Nashville, TN, this superwoman does it all! In addition to ensuring the technical and grammatical accuracy of Boson's learning tools, she balances raising two young children and training for triathlons. Let's get to know Kailin! 

What led you to work for Boson?

After I graduated from college, I was looking for something that joined my love for the English language, grammar, teaching, and communication. Boson was the perfect fit, and I’ve been here for almost 17 years now.

What is your favorite part about your position at Boson?

Although I have worked on similar things throughout the years, there is significant variety among the projects and it feels like something new every day.

What are the biggest strengths professionally that you bring to the Boson team?

I am good at communicating things in a way that people can understand and in a grammatically correct way.

What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on at Boson?

I really enjoy working on our NetSim labs. It combines learning with hands-on work.

How do you like to structure your day, are you an early bird or a night owl?

I am definitely an early bird. When I worked in the office, I was always the first person there. When I work at home, I’m up long before the sun.

What is your favorite thing to do with your kids?

We love playing with cars, riding bikes, doing projects, going to the park or the zoo, and more. We currently have a road made of painter’s tape all throughout our house, and driving cars on it is a favorite activity.

What is something that you’ve always wanted to try or learn?

I’m always up for learning about what other people love. Currently I’m learning about unicorns and narwhals and all the construction vehicles.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I like running and riding my bike. I also really enjoy doing puzzles.

Your reputation as a triathlete precedes you, what is the hardest race you've completed and which are you most proud of? 

The hardest race I did was an Ironman in extreme heat. I wanted to quit many times. Despite spending about half of my overall marathon time cooling off in ice pools, I never gave up and finished in my slowest time ever. But I finished!

The race I’m most proud of is a bike race many years ago that had multiple crashes, all of which I managed to avoid. I ended up winning the race because I stayed on my bike; I wasn’t the best racer there, but that day I had the skill needed to succeed.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? Why?

Chrissie Wellington is a multi-time Ironman World Champion who had a great impact on women competing in the sport. She’s someone I’d love to have dinner with. Also Mirinda Carfrae and Chelsea Sodaro—I’d try to learn from them how to prioritize everything!

Who are some of your biggest influences?

Jesus and King David from the Bible. I also have a few friends who are really good moms, and I definitely learn from them how to be better.

If you could plan your ultimate vacation, where would you go?

I would take a year off and travel the world. I had the chance to go to Hawaii and France in 2023, and I’d love to take more time than just a week in each place as well as stop at all the places along the way!

Topics: Employee Spotlight

Written by Boson Software

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