IT Certification and Training Blog

CCNA Certification Tools and Easter Eggs

Feb 8, 2011 10:26:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence

By Brian Scheibe

For those of you who don’t know, an Easter Egg is an undocumented feature, freebie, or some other type of good thing that is available if you can find it. Do you look for them when you visit Web sites? For those of you studying to attain a CCNA certification there are Easter Eggs at Several people find these Easter Eggs every day using search engines and I bet you want to know what and where they are.

Here is a calculator and a study guide that should help.

•   Subnet Calculator: Calculating subnets and wildcard masks is a big part of the Cisco CCNA 640-802 exam and if you are struggling with it you might want some help. While you can’t take a calculator to the exam with you, you can check your work using one while you study. Our programmers have created a great Subnet Calculator and best of all it is freeware available from our Free Utilities page.

•    TCP/IP Cheat Sheet: Need more help studying subnets? Then how about a TCP/IP cheat sheet that has tables of IPv4 address classes and short explanations that you can use as a pneumonic. This handy tool is available from our Downloads page as well. This tool can help you learn how to convert binary to decimal and which address ranges are reserved.

Not all CCNA practice exams are the same. Those that are distributed in the back of a book are more of a book review than a practice exam. They typically have very short explanations and do not target exam-only topics.


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If you are studying for the  CCNA certification exam, you should consider our ExSim-Max for Cisco 640-802 practice exam. ExSim-Max practice exams are written and edited solely by Boson and are not packaged with any study guide. Boson's CCNA practice exam has 6 complete exams in it; each of which specifically targets the concepts you might see on the live exam.

We're so confident that you will pass your CCNA exam after using ExSim-Max, we guarantee it.


Download the BEE and try the FREE DEMO today!

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Topics: subnetting, CCNA Certification Tools, subnet calculator

Written by Kelson Lawrence

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