IT Certification and Training Blog

Cisco Network Simulator - What's cool about NetSim?

Feb 8, 2011 10:19:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence

By Chad Altman

Cisco Network SimulatorBoson NetSim Network Simulator is an application that simulates Cisco Systems' networking hardware and software and is designed to help you learn the Cisco IOS command structure. That alone is pretty cool, but it gets better. NetSim uses its Virtual Packet Technology® engine to create individual packets that are routed and switched through the simulated network, to build an appropriate virtual routing table and to simulate true networking. NetSim doesn't just look like a real network, it acts like one too -- same telnet window, same shortcut commands, same hands-on experience.

What else? NetSim supports the technologies and commands necessary for the CCENT, CCNA and CCNP certification exams and provides a great solution for individual self-studiers, classroom training and corporate IT departments. Equipment can be expensive and at times is simply not practical. NetSim makes it possible for you to design and configure a network with 47 different router models and 3 different Catalyst models to choose from. It is simply the most robust and cost-effective choice for meeting your certification goals. Don't put off your studies -- get certified with NetSim today!

NetSim Advanced Features
(Click the links below to see a screenshot of each feature.)

• Simulates 47 different Cisco devices
• Simulates network traffic with Virtual Packet Technology
• Provides two different viewing styles: window-in-window mode or a
telnet client
• Supports up to 200 devices on one
network topology
• Allows instructors to include their own
labs and offer grading for them
• Allows users to create their own simulated networks with the
Boson Network Designer.
• Supports
SDM simulation
• Enables keyword and curriculum
searches by users who want to access specific labs

For more information about NetSim, visit

The advanced features listed are included with NetSim for CCNP. To see a complete product comparison for NetSim for CCNP, NetSim for CCNA and NetSim for CCENT, click here.

Topics: SWITCH exam, ROUTE exam, TSHOOT exam, CCNA Certification Tools, NetSim, Cisco Network Simulator, CCENT, CCNP, Cisco certification, CCNA

Written by Kelson Lawrence

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