IT Certification and Training Blog

“Why do you do what you do at Boson?”

Feb 18, 2013 2:09:00 PM / by Kelson Lawrence

By Delana Hallstedt

President’s Day finds me loading up my son to bring him into the office with me because my husband and I clearly failed to be on the same page in regards to daycare for this school holiday. Nothing a quiet corner in my office with a laptop, iPod touch, and a cup of hot cocoa can’t handle. We’ve got this!

boson presidents dayOn the ride in, we drove past a brick and mortar publishing company near the office and he asked me “How do you publish your work at Boson?”

Attempting to explain the concept of our practice tests to non-technical adult friends, who typically are not aware that technology certification exams exist, can sometimes be a challenge. For some reason breaking it down for my son was easier. “We don’t use paper to deliver our practice exams, we use computers. The customer buys our product, and then we send them a code that allows them to download whatever they bought over the Internet.” Thanks to iTunes and gift cards, he understands this very well.

Next question, “Why exactly do you do whatever it is you do at Boson?” I can easily relate it to tests he takes in school and told him that adults who want to work at certain jobs sometimes have to pass tests in order to show that they know the work, just like he does on his tests. When you take a test as a grownup, you have to pay to take the test, and sometimes they can be pretty expensive. If someone doesn’t pass the test, they might have to pay to take it again. So we make practice tests to help them study and learn about the things they might see on the real test, so hopefully they only have to take the test once.

“So basically, you save people money.”

Well okay, I guess that’s why I do what I do at Boson. Seems easy enough for a nine-year-old to figure out — if only everyone else could understand it that way. I’m pretty sure I could explain NetSim to him using the iPod as an example…. “What if you wanted to create a game that would work on every different iPod out there, but didn’t want to BUY one of each just so you could try out your game to see if it would work? Wouldn’t it be better to buy one thing that could ACT like all of them instead of having to buy them all?” We didn’t get a chance to go down that road before we arrived at the office. Maybe that will be a topic for the commute home : )




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Topics: practice tests, Delana Hallstedt, practice exam author, save money

Written by Kelson Lawrence

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