By Ryan Lindfield
Botnet Traffic Filter
Another exciting feature released in the 8.2 release is the Botnet Traffic Filter. This new technology enables the ASA to monitor both inbound and outbound traffic and to compare the external IP addresses and hostnames to a dynamic database, or blacklist, of offensive IP addresses and domain names. Essentially, after purchasing the license for this feature (a 30 day trial is available), your firewall gains insight into the latest known locations of botnet control points, SPAM distribution points, and other known hostile hosts.
ASA Technology Update Part 2 of 4
Feb 8, 2011 10:19:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in adaptive security appliance, asa, technology, networking, botnet traffic filter
ASA Technology Update Part 1 of 4
Feb 8, 2011 10:19:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in adaptive security appliance, asa, technology
How to use ExSim-Max Practice Exams
Feb 8, 2011 10:19:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in practice tests, certification, exam simulations, practice exams
By Kelly Mansfield
There are many ways to learn the technology for your certification exam. You can read books, attend training classes and get actual experience. But even with all that knowledge, do you really know if you can pass the certification exam? Let me go ahead and answer that one for you. Well, not really. With ExSim-Max™ Practice Exams, you will know what to expect when you are ready for the real exam.
ExSim-Max is designed to simulate the complete exam experience, including topics covered, question types, question difficulty and time allowed. Plus ExSim-Max includes accurate and detailed explanations for each question. You don't just learn the answer; you actually learn the technologies too.
How to use ExSim-Max :
Cisco Network Simulator - What's cool about NetSim?
Feb 8, 2011 10:19:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in SWITCH exam, ROUTE exam, TSHOOT exam, CCNA Certification Tools, NetSim, Cisco Network Simulator, CCENT, CCNP, Cisco certification, CCNA
By Chad Altman
Boson NetSim Network Simulator is an application that simulates Cisco Systems' networking hardware and software and is designed to help you learn the Cisco IOS command structure. That alone is pretty cool, but it gets better. NetSim uses its Virtual Packet Technology® engine to create individual packets that are routed and switched through the simulated network, to build an appropriate virtual routing table and to simulate true networking. NetSim doesn't just look like a real network, it acts like one too -- same telnet window, same shortcut commands, same hands-on experience.
Microsoft Windows 7 Tips and Tricks | Editions (part 2)
Feb 8, 2011 10:18:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in Windows 7, Microsoft, tips and tricks
By Val Bakh
2. Windows 7
2.1 Windows 7 Editions
2.1.2 Support for multiple languages
Don’t breathe a sigh of relief; the fun may not be quite over yet. This depends on your linguistic requirements. It is easier if you are a home user. You simply buy any consumer edition of Windows 7 in your preferred language and enjoy the ride. But if you are an IT pro responsible for deploying and maintaining Windows 7 in a multilingual environment, then you are entitled to some more fun.
Microsoft Windows 7 Tips and Tricks | Editions (part 1)
Feb 8, 2011 10:18:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in Windows 7, Microsoft, tips and tricks, certification
Microsoft Vista Tips and Tricks
Feb 8, 2011 10:18:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in Microsoft, tips and tricks, windows, vista
By Val Bakh
1. Vista
1.1. Boot architecture
ASA Technology Update Part 4 of 4
Feb 8, 2011 10:18:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in adaptive security appliance, asa, networking, netflow
ASA Technology Update Part 3 of 4
Feb 8, 2011 10:18:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in adaptive security appliance, asa, technology, anyconnect essentials, networking
By Ryan Lindfield
AnyConnect Essentials
AnyConnect Essentials is a new licensing option for Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN) client on the ASA. With the introduction of SSL VPN, Cisco began charging “per connection fees” for remote VPN connections. This came as a shock to many of you who were accustomed to connecting as many users as the box allowed with IPSec and never giving a thought to licensing. The default WebVPN license on the ASA is for two concurrent WebVPN users; each additional user requires additional licensing.
How to Train for CCNA Certification?
Feb 8, 2011 10:17:00 AM / by Kelson Lawrence posted in NetSim, NetSim 8, Cisco Network Simulator, certification, CCNA, ccna study