IT Certification and Training Blog

What separates Boson's ExSim-Max practice exams?

May 26, 2021 3:46:32 PM / by Andrew Messier

Of all the questions we receive, the most frequent is “What separates ExSim-Max practice exams from others on the market?” In a word, quality. Our content developers have been writing practice exams for over 20 years, and they bring that knowledge and experience to each product. An ExSim-Max productExSim-Max-Post-Difference-052021 typically includes three separate exams. The content on each exam is carefully balanced to give you the appropriate coverage appropriate to the individual topic proportions. Every item consists of a question, answer, and a detailed explanation. Those explanations are invaluable. Each explains not only why the correct answer is correct, but why the incorrect answers are wrong. And each question is backed up with relevant sources and our Curriculum where available.

Another reason to choose ExSim-Max practice exams is the experience. Our test engine software is designed to mimic the look and feel of the test delivery experience on test day. No other practice test provider simulates all of the question types you may experience on your exam. Those question types include multiple selections, drag and drop, matching, terminal simulations, and more.

Unlike a PDF of questions and answers, our exam software includes features like Study and Simulation modes; custom exams; sorting questions by category for easier review; and a comprehensive score report when you finish and grade the exam that will help you identify your weaknesses.

An ExSim-Max practice exam also comes with unmatched customer support. Our ExSim-Max content developers work full-time for Boson. If you open a support ticket about a particular test question, your inquiry goes directly to the author. You can reach customer support by phone, web, or opening a support ticket directly from the exam engine.

Finally, our ExSim-Max practice exams are typically touted as more difficult than the actual exam. If you pass our exam, we're confident you can pass the actual exam. So confident that we back our practice exams with a "No Pass - No Pay" guarantee.

Topics: exam simulation, practice exams, ExSim-Max

Written by Andrew Messier

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