Of all the questions we receive, the most frequent is “What separates ExSim-Max practice exams from others on the market?” In a word, quality. Our content developers have been writing practice exams for over 20 years, and they bring that knowledge and experience to each product. An ExSim-Max product typically includes three separate exams. The content on each exam is carefully balanced to give you the appropriate coverage appropriate to the individual topic proportions. Every item consists of a question, answer, and a detailed explanation. Those explanations are invaluable. Each explains not only why the correct answer is correct, but why the incorrect answers are wrong. And each question is backed up with relevant sources and our Curriculum where available.
Andrew Messier
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What separates Boson's ExSim-Max practice exams?
May 26, 2021 3:46:32 PM / by Andrew Messier posted in exam simulation, practice exams, ExSim-Max
How to Exchange Free Content to the NetSim Community
Nov 28, 2018 7:36:11 AM / by Andrew Messier posted in NetSim, Cisco Network Simulator, Network Simulator, Customizing NetSim, Network Simulator Customization
Have you made a personal lab that you're itching to share with others? Or are you looking for a new lab yourself? Well, NetSim 12 provides you with the ability to upload and view items to the NetSim Community, which is a database of customized labs, lab packs, and topolgies that anyone with a NetSim 12 license can access and contribute to. Check out how to download and upload to the NetSim Community below!

5 Network Designer Tips and Tricks
Nov 10, 2018 11:24:54 AM / by Andrew Messier posted in NetSim, Network Simulator, CCNP Network Simulator, Customizing NetSim, Network Simulator Customization
New to NetSim? Or are you a seasoned pro? Either way, check out these 5 Network Designer Tips and Tricks that you can do in NetSim 12, the industry's most powerful Network Simulator:
ICMP Port Numbers
Aug 24, 2017 11:20:34 AM / by Andrew Messier posted in ICMP Port Numbers
Various application layer protocols listen on specific ports. For example, when you want to visit a website, the HTTP request that exits your computer is destined for TCP port 80 on the remote server. The source port on your computer is an arbitrary ephemeral port. The request is processed on the server, and data returns to your computer destined to the previous source port where your web browser (probably Chrome) is ready and waiting.
Cisco Live 2017 - What Makes NetSim Different
Jun 20, 2017 3:46:32 PM / by Andrew Messier posted in NetSim, Cisco Labs, GNS3, Cisco Live
With CiscoLive 2017 quickly approaching, I'm looking ahead and reviewing my notes from last year. One question we frequently receive throughout the conference is, "What makes NetSim different than ____?" or, "I have real equipment, so why would I use NetSim?" We enjoy answering this question because people normally walk away with a better understanding of our product and plan to use it for themselves or for their students. My goal is not to knock the other options, because there are a lot of great resources out there. Instead I aim to be as informative as possible to help you make a smart buying choice.
Hi Everyone
NetSim 10.10 was released today. This update includes 10 new CCNP labs for GLBP, BGP, EIGRPv6, and OSPFv3. Minor document updates and bug fixes are also included. This release wraps up our coverage of BGP. We expect one more release covering a few more GLBP topics to be delivered next, We now have labs covering of every topic in CCNP. A complete list of each new lab is below:
Hi Everyone,
NetSim 10.8 was recently released. This update includes 11 new labs and minor document updates to existing content.