IT Certification and Training Blog

Spotlight Series: Andrew M.

Feb 20, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Boson Software


We like to provide blog posts that will help you get to know the people behind Boson a little better. From our software developers to our customer support representatives, there are plenty of talented team members worth meeting. 


Based out of our Tampa, FL office, Andrew has spent nearly two decades crafting the best network simulator products on the market. Having started writing code and building systems at age 12, he has a passion for making computer science accessable to as many people as possible.  Let's meet Andrew! 


What led you to work at Boson?

Boson's amazing Human Resources manager Lisa was kind and down to earth when we spoke at a career fair. Everyone was genuine and welcoming throughout the interview process. I felt like I belonged, and I thought the work at Boson was interesting.

What is your favorite part of your position at Boson?

I love personal growth and learning new technology. Since Cisco changes their objectives regularly, we have to update our products to keep them relevant. Our work never grows stale!

What are the biggest strengths professionally that you bring to the Boson team?

My biggest strengths include my engineering ability, people skills, and my experience. I'm excellent at using technology to solve problems. People in IT or Computer Science have a reputation of having inflated egos - so I've made it my personal objective to avoid making anyone feel intimidated or that the work we do is magic. Finally, I've been writing code, building systems, etc. and selling those solutions since I was 12. 

What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on at Boson?

It's really tough to pick just one since I've been at Boson for 16 years. Some of my favorites include a proprietary automated testing tool for NetSim, NetSim 9, and NetSim 13.

How do you like to structure your day, are you an early bird or a night owl?

I've spent the first half of my career as a night owl and the second half as an early bird. Scratch that. I typically wake the early birds. My day usually begins around 4 AM.

If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you and why?

I would definitely want Brad Pitt to play my character because I've never seen a bad Pitt movie. 

What was the first concert you attended?

My very first concert was Coldplay with my then-fiancee. My favorites include Garth Brooks, Coldplay, and Taylor Swift. 

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?

I'm a Tom Brady and New England Patriots fan, so I would have loved to see 28-3 in person. 

If you could plan your ultimate vacation, where would you go?

I would go skiing in Stowe, Vermont. My wife and I honeymooned there many years ago and have revisited no less than 10 times since. I love the snow, cold, outdoor activities, and the area has a lot of charm.

Written by Boson Software

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