How to level up your exam prep with NetSim Network Simulator
Feb 9, 2022 1:30:03 PM / by Boson Software posted in CCNA Certification Tools, NetSim, Cisco Network Simulator, Network Simulator, CCNP Network Simulator, CCNA, ccna study
Preparing for the CCSP Exam with ExSim-Max Practice Exam
Dec 9, 2021 9:30:00 AM / by Val Bakh posted in Network Security, ExSim-Max, CCSP
Cloud computing has revolutionized the modern Information Technology (IT) universe. In addition to all the good things that it brought us, cloud computing has also opened a brand new Pandora’s box of cybersecurity threats. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) is a white-hat IT specialist whose job is to keep those threats at bay. One of the tasks on your way to becoming a CCSP is passing the certification exam sponsored by the organization named International Information System Security Certification Consortium, commonly known as (ISC)2.
Overcoming CCNA Roadblocks with Boson-Bombal 8 Weeks to CCNA
Oct 6, 2021 9:06:37 AM / by Andrea Warner posted in CCNA Certification Tools, ccna class, CCNA, ccna study
Working in the training industry for 15+ years, I’ve heard from many students about the roadblocks they face when trying to achieve Cisco’s CCNA certification.
IT Podcasts to listen to on International Podcast Day
Sep 30, 2021 7:47:53 AM / by Thomas Bartolomeo
Podcasting is a medium on the rise. In an increasing on demand world, podcasts are to audio what YouTube and Netflix were to video. Without the time constraints of traditional audio media, podcasts provide access to longform conversation without disruptive formulaic breaks. With a wide range of genres and delivery formats to choose from, there is a podcast for everyone. We've assembled a trio of IT Podcasts to listen to in celebration of International Podcast Day.
4 Reasons to Get Your CISSP Certification
Sep 21, 2021 8:16:04 AM / by Thomas Bartolomeo posted in CISSP practice exam, (ISC)2 CISSP, CISSP certification
Much like Boson’s twenty-year history of offering premier IT Certification products, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification also has over a twenty-year history of serving as a benchmark of advanced competency in information security. Here are some of the key benefits of completing your CISSP certification.
I've passed the CISSP exam four times, this is what I've learned
Jul 26, 2021 11:31:41 AM / by Michael Aldridge posted in cissp, CISSP practice exam, (ISC)2 CISSP, CISSP certification, CISSP CAT
Every three years, I go through the ritual of taking the CISSP exam rather than submitting CPEs to keep my certification current. As you might guess considering the nature of my employment, I'm very comfortable with taking exams, so I don't mind one bit.
4 Reasons to Get Your CCNA Certification
Jul 8, 2021 11:49:10 AM / by Thomas Bartolomeo posted in Cisco, certification, CCNA
What separates Boson's ExSim-Max practice exams?
May 26, 2021 3:46:32 PM / by Andrew Messier posted in exam simulation, practice exams, ExSim-Max
Of all the questions we receive, the most frequent is “What separates ExSim-Max practice exams from others on the market?” In a word, quality. Our content developers have been writing practice exams for over 20 years, and they bring that knowledge and experience to each product. An ExSim-Max product typically includes three separate exams. The content on each exam is carefully balanced to give you the appropriate coverage appropriate to the individual topic proportions. Every item consists of a question, answer, and a detailed explanation. Those explanations are invaluable. Each explains not only why the correct answer is correct, but why the incorrect answers are wrong. And each question is backed up with relevant sources and our Curriculum where available.
About Exam AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator (Part 3)
Oct 15, 2019 3:23:54 PM / by Val Bakh posted in Microsoft Exams, AZ103, Microsoft Azure Administrator, Azure, Microsoft Azure, Azure Labs
How Do I Know I'm Ready?
Sep 25, 2019 3:32:39 PM / by Michael Aldridge posted in Cisco, CCNP, Exam Preparation, How to Prepare for a Certification Exam, CCNA, practice exams, what to expect before the exam, Cisco Update, Cisco 2020